Zihuatanejo, Gro., on March 20th 2018.-, having met on Tuesday with the authorities of the three levels of government which will participate in the deployment of efforts to offer a security to the national and foreign tourists who will spend the period of the Holy Week 2018 holidays in Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo, the municipal president Homero Rodríguez Rodríguez, informed that was planned following Friday, the visit of the state’s governor , Héctor Astudillo Flores, to manage the launch of the actions which are going to be applied in the purpose mentioned above. On the working table elaborated in one of the installations of the Sports Unity of the port, they presented in a summarized way the tasks that the municipal, state and federal authorities will realize, during the period between March 24th and April 8th, to guarantee the integrity of more than 50.000 visitors who are expected in this seaside destination. On behalf of the municipality, join the managements of Tourism, Law and order, Traffic, Environment and Natural resources, Regulations, Urban Development, of Civil Protection and Fire department, Public services, the Health, the Government and the CAPAZ. Some of them are integrated into the Commission of the Vigilance and the Tourist Help (Covatur), under the coordination of the City Council’s Secretariat. Whereas state and federal dependences confirmed their cooperation in this effort in favour of the tourists and in favour of the resident population in the zone, such as the Secretarial department of Tourism, the Police and the Civil protection, armed Navy’s Secretarial departments of Mexico and the National Defence, through its command of 75 the Battalion of Infantry and the Naval Sector; the Federal Police, the Harbor office, Fonatur and Profepa. The Zihuatanejo’s delegation of Mexican Red Cross will also participate in it and will put, for its part, in arrangement all the first aid material and the necessary equipments. In this meeting, which attended the local councillors Lezvith Reglado Morales and Efrén Ruiz Cortez, Mayor Homero Rodríguez Rodríguez said that the launch of the security operation is scheduled for this Friday at 9 am in the morning, in the zone of Ixtapa.
